Welcome to Executor’s Coach.

I’m here to journey with you by offering insight, education, training, process, and professional support to guide you in accomplishing your duties as an estate executor.


What I Do

I’m Tim Partridge, Certified Executor Adviser (CEA), Estate Firearms Specialist, and Estate Services Coach.

Executors may seek advice from to up to seventeen professionals in the course of their duties, but no one professional understands the scope of information needed by executors, until now.

Certified Executor Advisors are experts in their own fields and have broad practical knowledge of everything the executor needs to know. They are uniquely equipped to steer executors away from potential problems and toward the professionals they need.

For testators wanting to ensure their estates are well prepared, so as not to be a burden on their executors, CEAs, like me, can offer tremendous value.

Certified Executor Advisors can advise testators, executors, and heirs, and they work hard to ensure successful transition from generation to generation, helping to keep Canadian families happy, healthy, and harmonious.

I believe two things are necessary in serving as an Estate Firearms Specialist:

  1. Years of education, training, and experience with the legal and proper use, storage, and transportation of firearms and ammunition.
  2. Hands-on mentoring and training with an experienced law firm specializing in wills and estates.

My passion for the outdoors, hunting, and shooting was inspired by my dad and by participation in scouting more than fifty years ago. I received firearms training while serving in the US Navy, and while living in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and the province of Ontario.

My hands-on mentoring and training in wills and estates occurred while interning at Lennox & Penney LLP in Cambridge, Ontario.


Coaching is one of my favourite styles of leadership. As a leader, one can coach for performance, addressing and fixing a specific problem or challenge, or one can coach for development, which turns the focus from the issue to the person dealing with the issue.

I choose to coach for development through conversations and questions that will call you forward to learn, improve, and grow in character, competence, and confidence.

As an experienced coach and leader of over 700 individuals, I have learned that the more you know about the personalities and character traits of those with whom you are working, the better you can manage the five common areas causing stress: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. With over twenty-five years of experience using the DISC® personal assessment tool, I have found this tool vital in developing healthy relationships.

What I Charge

My services will be unique to your situation. After our initial discussion, I will provide you with a realistic estimate for your approval before we move forward.

What You Can Expect

“Tim has worked with me in my Wills and Estates practice on the client service side. I have also referred matters to him where he was well-placed to assist clients, especially in dealing with firearms matters. Tim is hands-on, very engaged in his files, and always trying to troubleshoot. He is passionate about client service and understands the challenges of executor’s work. I strongly recommend Tim to assist in practical estate administration matters.”  Stephen Penney, partner with Lennox and Penney LLP, Cambridge, Ontario.

Need Advice?

In Canada, current estimates place firearm ownership in 26 percent of all households, accounting for over seven million firearms. As an executor or executrix that may have to deal with firearms in an estate, I’m here to assist you.